Thursday, July 8, 2021

Handling Yes/No Fields in Bubble

If you've used a "yes/no" (boolean) field in Bubble or on other platforms, you know they can be a little tricky to work with. Here's an excerpt from "Learning Visual (No-Code) Programming Step by Step with Bubble" that explains a way to make life with yes/no fields a little easier:

I had built a "to-do" list app with a "finished?" yes/no field to indicate whether or not a given "to-do" had been completed and I decided to add a filter to the listing page to let the user display all todos, finished todos, or unfinished todos. The problem I ran into is that Bubble's yes/no field treats an empty value as “no”. 

I assumed I could display finished to-dos or unfinished to-dos by adding a constraint to the repeating group that loads the to-do records. If the user chose a filter value of "yes" it would display finished records, while a filter value of "no" would show unfinished records. And if the user left the filter blank the repeating group would ignore an empty constraint and display all to-do records in the database. However, because a yes/no field sees an empty value as “no” the app displayed just the unfinished records whether the filter value was "no" or blank.

So what was the solution? I changed the type of the “Finished” field from yes/no to “boolean” (“boolean” being an "option set" that I created that had just two values, “yes” and “no”). Then I edited my sample data and reset the “Finished” field in each record to either the "yes" or "no" value in the option set. 

Once that was done I went back to design mode for the Todo Listing page and placed a dropdown box above the repeating group and named it “Dropdown Filter Finished”. Then I set the “Choices style” to “Dynamic”, the “Type of choices” to “Boolean”, the “Choices source” to “All boolean”, and the “Option caption” to “Current option's Display”. The property editor for the dropdown looks like this:

Next I opened the property editor for the repeating group, clicked on “Data source” to display the constraints, and added a constraint “Finished=Dropdown Filter Finished's value”. By changing the “Finished” field's data type to the “boolean” option set, the constraint now included a true “empty” value. 

At that point, the property editor for the repeating group looked like this:

Now the repeating group that displays the "to-do" records showed all todo records if nothing was selected in the dropdown (filter Finished) box, all completed todos if “yes” was selected, and all the unfinished todos if “no” was selected.

There are a lot of situations where a "yes/no" field is a good choice, but there may also be occasions when you want to use a boolean value instead. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

A Universal WebView Android App

 If you need to create an Android app that can access a web page but the app is so complex you don't feel you can build it on your own, Robo Templates may be your answer. The website markets ready-to-use app templates, including a "Universal Android WebView App" from Robo Templates that's available at:

OK, first things first. So what is a "WebView" app? explains it this way:

If you want to deliver a web application (or just a web page) as a part of a client application, you can do it using WebView. The WebView class is an extension of Android's View class that allows you to display web pages as a part of your activity layout. It does not include any features of a fully developed web browser, such as navigation controls or an address bar. All that WebView does, by default, is show a web page.

Alright, but what can you do with this "universal app"? Quite a bit actually. The features available in the app include:

  • Support for KitKat (Android 4.4) and newer
  • WebView supports HTML5, JavaScript, Cookies, CSS, images, videos and other standard web tools and technologies
  • AdMob (adaptive banner and interstitial ad)
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (push notifications)
  • Firebase Analytics
  • OneSignal push notifications
  • Targeting push notification messages on specific users
  • GDPR compliant (European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation)
  • Support for opening links in external browser (customizable rules)
  • Intents for opening external apps (e-mail, sms, phone call, map, store, social networks)
  • Local pages (available in offline)
  • JavaScript API for controlling the mobile app from web
  • HTML5 videos, YouTube, Vimeo, JW Player
  • Fullscreen video
  • Download manager
  • File picker for uploading files
  • Upload photo from camera
  • Geolocation (optional)
  • Location settings prompt
  • Splash screen (launch screen)
  • Navigation drawer menu with optional categories (easily customizable)
  • Pull-to-Refresh (optional)
  • Share dialog (optional)
  • Confirmation dialog when user tries to exit the app (optional)
  • Highly customizable app (features can be easily enabled/disabled)
  • Customization of features (enable/disable action bar, navigation drawer menu, pull-to-refresh etc.)
  • Ten color themes (blue, brown, gray, green, lime, orange, purple, red, teal, violet)
  • Responsive design (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
  • Multi-language support
  • Free support

But what if you need to customize parts of the app? The free support provided by robotemplates can help you make changes by modifying or adding code, but apparently you can do a lot of customization simply by editing the app's config file. Technically, that makes it a "no-code" product. 

You can buy a "regular" license for $29 to create a single Android app for yourself or for a single client, which the end user isn't charged for. There's also an "extended" license available for $129, which allows you to create a single app for yourself or a single client and charge the end user for the product.

For more details on licensing go to: 

Friday, July 2, 2021

New Book on Learning Bubble

 If you've tried Bubble or would like to, I've published a new book "Learning Visual (No-Code) Programming Step-By-Step With Bubble" that could help you get more familiar with Bubble's capabilities. The book's just been published on Amazon for anyone who wants to take a look. It's arranged as a set of exercises for the reader to try, along with my notes and screenshots explaining how I went about solving those exercises.

If you sign up for a free account with Bubble you'll find a set of lessons available on your home page and the final one guides you through creating a "to-do" app. Bubble used to suggest a number of possible enhancements to that app and a while back I tried working my way through making those changes. The modifications involve making use of features like repeating groups, search boxes, popup windows, auto-binding, highlighting, notifications, option sets, filtering constraints and user authorization (including signup and login forms).

If you're interested, please take a look and send any questions, criticisms, suggestions or comments to 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Bubble: Using Containers to Make Style Changes Easier

 A quick tip when building an app using Bubble. Place a container (Group element) on each page in the app and put all the other elements for the page inside that container. That way any style changes you make on the page will automatically apply to all elements on the page.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Quick Tip on Using Bubble (Highlighting)

Imagine you have a repeating group filled with "to-do" records that include a due date along with a "Finished" field and you want to highlight those records that are still incomplete and past their due date. Here's how to do that:

  • To change the font color of the due date field in the list of to-dos, double-click the “Due date” element in the first row of the to-do list repeating group to display the element's property editor.
  • Click on the “Conditional” tab in the properties box, go to the "When" field  and build the expression “Current cell's Todo's Due Date < Current date/time and Current cell's Todo's Finished is 'no'”.
  • In the “Select a property to change when true” dropdown, pick “Font color”. Then select to change the font color of the due date to red when the condition is true.

An Interesting Bubble Article on

I just came across a really detailed article on about one person's experience deciding whether or not Bubble could build his business startup application (Could I Build My Product on, Will Ericksson, Dec. 2020). It's strictly Will Ericksson's opinion, but the article covers a lot of questions in depth about what you can or can't do with Bubble.

While the author ended up building his application with Bubble (and now teaches a course on Bubble), he does try to provide a balanced discussion of the pros and cons of using Bubble for a relatively complex software project. The topics he covers include scalability, integrations, security, and flexibility. You can find the full article at: 

Friday, June 18, 2021

UK Providing Free No-Code Training with Bubble

In case you missed it, Bubble's posted an article by Vivienne Chen back in March, discussing how the UK is funding no-code learning. Here's an excerpt from the article (

"Many local and national governments invest in funding to help people develop professional skills that can grow local business and improve their residents' lives. But the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom has become the first region in the world to turn to no-code technology like Bubble as an affordable, scalable solution to drive economic growth and innovation.

This year, a cross-sector partnership called Supertech, funded by the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) launched a free program teaching business professionals how to build web apps without code, using Bubble's no-code web app builder. What started out as a pilot program of 30 people is now expanding to a hundred more opportunities, including a potential university student cohort from the area."

I thought this was an interesting example of how much importance is being attached to the future of no-code programming, not just by private companies but by governmental organizations.